(Alligator Records)

My first impression after listening to Charlie Musselwhite’s  new CD, The Well, was… "this thing has total groove all the way through.”  The Well, Charlie’s first release since Delta Hardware (2007), is a keeper.

The 13 tracks on the album were all written by Musselwhite. In addition to his world wise vocals and harmonica, Charlie even plays guitar on two of the tracks. The band Charlie has assembled for this recording has Dave Gonzales of the Paladins on guitar and John Bazz from The Blasters on bass. (By the way, those are two of my all time favorite bands). Stephen Hodges of Tom Waite’s band is on drums and Mavis Staples adds her famous vocals on “Sad and Beautiful World.”

You can tell by listening, that all the tracks on the album have some serious inspiration behind them. From Charlie’s battle with alcoholism and 22 years of sobriety, a stint in jail and his mother’s murder, this album is deep and colorful. If you’re a blues fan, song writer, or harmonica player; this CD is flat out inspiring. Like I stated earlier… it’s just plain total groove.
~John Kunzwiler