Many have asked for information on the "Blues Go Pink” show this year. And 'yes,' it usually was about this time of year. We moved it to November 7th at Cefalo’s in Carnegie. This is a Sunday free of a Steeler game, so we hope you all come. This year will feature a bit different line-up and format. For the better, I guarantee!

First, I want to thank all the wonderful women of the Blues who happily accepted the invitation to play. Every single woman I asked said yes.  I did not get through my list, so my apologies to the women on the list I did not get to contact. I will get to you next year first.
We will open with a band that is playing with us at Cefalo's for the first time, "The Rozanne Matthews Band."  Patti Spadaro, who helps a great deal with organizing the equipment, will then follow with her band. Later, she will have two singers, Katie Simone and Angelica Pietranton, join her and her band. Jill Simmons and theCAUSE will then follow and will have several artists join them including Patti Spadaro, Andrea Pearl and Marcy Brown. I do not know if you have ever seen these ladies sing together, but you will never forget it. They sound great and you can tell that they are loving every minute up there together. Added to theCAUSE line-up will be Cherylann Hawk, who is bringing a guest to sing a tune with her. Next, Pamela Bick and the Warehouse Blues Band, led by Pamela's versatile vocals and dual guitars from John Delo and Denny Turocy, is another band that sounds better every time you hear them.  Taking to the stage next is the band that got me into the local blues scene, "Jill West and Blues Attack.” The band has changed some over the years, but the talent always seems to increase. Greg Krupa won "Best Guitarist" at the IBCs this year amid some very talented competition. A woman with a powerful and at times sexy voice who had the most talked about song, "Short Chain," on
Blues from the Burgh II, Angel Blue and the Prophets will then follow in the lineup. She promised me that she would do some Janis Joplin ...and can she do Janis!  Miss Freddye and Blue Faze then follows. This band sounds more professional every time they play. You are always in for a treat when Miss Freddye comes to town. Joining her later will be a very special treat, Ann Kerstetter, 'the Duchess of Duke St.' Ann is a national act that will be coming to town to entertain us, and I can't wait!  Really, I can't wait for the whole show! See you there. 
~Don Vecchio

~This is a benefit to assist Adagio Health to provide free cancer and cervical screenings for women in Western Pennsylvania.