We asked people to fill out surveys at the IBCs and had some interesting suggestions. Some are worth considering and some can't be done, but I'm sure many of you didn't know why. I'm picking out a few to answer and invite anyone to send me their questions individually if you like to: Don Vecchio ...P.O. Box 97978... Pittsburgh, PA 15227 or e-mail to
1. Lorie R. -Set up 2 stages- to have constant music.
ANSWER: Sounds good. However, the problem is that the judges need a break. We are there 11 hours. We have to have the same judges for all the acts. It is the only way to be fair to everyone. We're all human and need to stretch and snack occasionally. We do not let any band start playing until all the judges are seated. Also, it was hard enough to set up one sound system and keep it running smooth, two would be impossible, not to mention the space it would take up.
2. Mike F. had 2 suggestions
A). Have previous year's winner play while votes are being tallied and
ANSWER: As far as the first question, this year took much longer to tally than any other year because of tie-breakers. We did have last year's solo-duo winner play at breakfast the next morning. We had considered what you suggested and are so glad that we are on same page.
B). Have challenge held in Erie.
ANSWER: As far as holding in Erie, we tried to do that last year with four 4 semi finals that would have included Pittsburgh, Beaver Falls, Dubois and YES, Erie. People had asked us to try to spread out through the state. We decided that we would absorb the extra cost and do it. We had bands sign up everywhere EXEPT Erie (at the Docksider). Not one band signed up in Erie. Only one band had signed up in Dubois, so we had to cancel Dubois and Erie.
3. From 3 different people - have outdoor summer concerts
ANSWER: Great idea. We do have our annual picnic (editor: August 29, 2010 Boston Waterfront - see poster below for more details). However with the three area Festivals, it is hard to find the right time to do many more. I think we will try to squeeze in an extra Blues Day Out this year…maybe in July. Send suggestions please. We had problem finding the right place. Most parks are taken early. It would be helpful if more people came to meetings and brought suggestions (and maybe pie).
4. Anonymous - Give bands more time to play
ANSWER: We can't! The 20 minute time limit is set in stone by the Blues Foundation, whose rules we have to abide by. These are the same rules that Blues Societies around the world MUST use. Our winners join others in Memphis for fame and fortune to the eventual winners and finalists. Every single band throughout the world had 20 minutes to do their set.
5. Lastly, I want to address the person whose suggestion bothered me. We aren't perfect and I can accept criticism. We are all fairly new and learning what and how to do things. However, this, I take personally. I won't give her name. Her suggestion was, "Be honest with your votes" ?????
ANSWER: Are you suggesting we're not honest? Or that we vote for personal favorites? I have been running the judging for 3 years now, using judges from different areas and different positions: blues writers, musicians, fans and officers from other Blues Societies, to assure there would be no bias. I go over the judging criteria so they are all aware of scoring system. I have someone there to re-check my addition. I have judges sign their sheets to make sure no one has amended their scores. Afterwards, I send the judges sheets to all the contestants. I do not judge, nor do ANY members of our board. I have not always agreed with the decisions. BUT, I always read the results as the judges scored...PERIOD. WE HAVE NO VOTES. We want the artists that will represent us the to be the best. Hopefully, ones that will bring back a prize to boot. I want everyone, not just you, to know how things work. If anyone wants to see a judge's (blank) score sheet, maybe we can put one website.
Thank you all for taking the time to fill out the survey and thanks for some great suggestions. Most were complimentary and I thank you for that. Not to toot our own horn, but we do work hard to put this together and assure the best possible show, venue, and talent for the blues fans. That's our job - BUT we get no pay. We do it because we enjoy it!
I hope you all come to our future events. It made all that we do worthwhile seeing what a wonderful crowd came out for our show. Come say 'hi' to us at the blues fests, picnic, blues night outs, etc.
~ Don Vecchio