Words by Michael A. Herman

Verse 1:
Well, I was born in a Mississippi River town.
The world is factory work and farmin ‘til the sun goes down.
“You better grow up straight,” I heard my momma say,
So I learned all the games that little children play

I was a teenage boy just a starting to grow
When I heard a rockin’ rhythm on my radio.
Well, I forgot all my troubles, started, moving my feet.
I swore I’d never forget that jumpin’ boogie woogie beat.

Verse 2:
I saved up my money and went shopping around.
I bought a pawnshop guitar that had me rhythm bound.
I spent my days alone, just that guitar and me,
To turn that boogie rhythm into a melody.  (Chorus)

Verse 3:
My poppa said, “Son, I believe you’re wasting your time.
You’re gonna go through this life never having a dime.
You’ve got to work in this world, it can’t be all fun.”
And I said, “Pop, can’t ya see I’ve got the blues on the run?”

Verse 4:
Now I’ve got to play my music ‘cause it feels so right.
Yes, it’s the friend that warms my body on a cold, cold night.
And though I know that life is filled with many crazy things,
I know it all falls into place when I can pull the strings. (Chorus)