Another hard-hitting blues/rock CD from Tinsley.  There are usually no surprises from Tinsley- not that it's a bad thing. He just puts out some good tunes with some very nice guitar work and “no holds barred” lyrics which his snarling vocals are a perfect match for, and this is no exception. The title tune is a good one, “Speak no Evil.” Great beat and nice guitar work. He includes a few mellower tunes. “It takes what it takes,”  “Cold Love, Hot Night,” and “The Night is Easy,” not that they are lullabies, mind you. They are not as fast-paced and rockin’. I particularly like, “The Night is Easy,” sort of a haunting type melody. “Cold Love, Hot Night” is another favorite from this CD.
Now as far as the “smack you in the Mouth” lyrics here are a couple examples. Both of these seem to do with people who overindulge - you know party a bit too much, to the point that they don't function properly. “You walk around like a zombie-tombstones in your eyes...since you won't be around much longer, let's just plan to meet on the other side” (From “The Other Side”) and “To get inside that brain of
 yours of yours would take an adjustable wrench ....Your mouth is working overtime, your mind took a personal day, I got me a private space cadet- nothing left to say.” “Why don't you say what's on what's left of your mind” (from “Left of Your Mind”) I love the humor here. I had to listen over and over to hear the exact wording, and cracked up from the first time I heard it. Another tune with 'hard words' was “Grow a Pair.”  Yes, it's what you think.   So, yes, I recommend this CD. I listened to it quite a few times and liked it more each time.
~Don Vecchio