The 2010 Blues in the Schools program visited Dilworth Elementary in March. Jim Franciscus had originally led a fine group of musicians during our initial visit in 2009. Our return visit was to provide a more in depth understanding of the Blues concerning its history and its culture. The children were ready and eagerly waiting....and just as receptive. They were treated to Eugene Morgan's rendering of the blues. Their interest and excitement were heartwarming and encouraging.
While there, the BSWPA presented two guitars to the music class courtesy of Kevin Nay. A saxophone was also given to the schools by Lori Romano. Many of the children at the school are financially distressed and their families cannot afford instruments. Their instructor, Lori Russo, makes it possible for them to learn about music and to play music during school hours. Much of their equipment is purchased by Lori from her own funds to make it possible for these eager youngsters to explore a new world. Many of the young students gingerly touched the instruments while they looked at them. The children were "over the top" while taking dibs on when they would get their chance to play the new instruments. It was like being Santa on Christmas morning... looking at the shining, smiling and hopeful faces.
The afternoon had started with a presentation of a thank you card that the students had created for the BSWPA. The school had also added a book, Ruby Sings the Blues, to the library in Jim Weber's memory. They also awarded a memorial plaque in Jim's name for "bringing the Blues to the school and waking up their interest in music." Wow! it was overwhelming. We high fived and one was spared. Many of the students came up to us afterwards and thanked us profusely for bringing the wonderful music . One youngster who was vigorously playing his "air guitar" commented that he could not wait to get his turn to learn to play.
Kudos to all involved! Thanks to Kevin and both Loris.
A plea for instruments :
If anyone has gently used good condition, new instruments, or would like to make a donation to the PITCH (Putting Instruments in the Children's Hands) program, please contact us. These generous donations will be appreciated far more than most of us will ever know or fully realize.. What better way to engage a child then to enable them with the gift of music. 724-378-8926